Source code for check_systemd

#!/usr/bin/env python3

``check_system`` is a `Nagios <>`_ / `Icinga
<>`_ monitoring plugin to check systemd. This Python script
will report a degraded system to your monitoring solution. It can also be used
to monitor individual systemd services (with the ``-u, --unit`` parameter) and
timers units (with the ``-t, --dead-timers`` parameter).

To learn more about the project, please visit the repository on `Github

Monitoring scopes

* ``units``: State of unites
* ``timers``: Timers
* ``startup_time``: Startup time
* ``performance_data``: Performance data

Data sources

* D-Bus (``dbus``)
* Command line interface (``cli``)

This plugin is based on a Python package named `nagiosplugin
<>`_. ``nagiosplugin`` has a fine-grained
class model to separate concerns. A Nagios / Icinga plugin must perform these
three steps: data `acquisition`, `evaluation` and `presentation`.
``nagiosplugin`` provides for this three steps three classes: ``Resource``,
``Context``, ``Summary``. ``check_systemd`` extends this three model classes in
the following subclasses:

Acquisition (``Resource``)

* :class:`UnitsResource` (``context=units``)
* :class:`TimersResource` (``context=timers``)
* :class:`StartupTimeResource` (``context=startup_time``)
* :class:`PerformanceDataResource` (``context=performance_data``)

Evaluation (``Context``)

* :class:`UnitsContext` (``context=units``)
* :class:`TimersContext` (``context=timers``)
* :class:`StartupTimeContext` (``context=timers``)
* :class:`PerformanceDataContext` (``context=performance_data``)

Presentation (``Summary``)

* :class:`SystemdSummary`

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import logging
import re
import subprocess
from typing import Generator, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast, get_args

    import nagiosplugin
    from nagiosplugin.check import Check
    from nagiosplugin.context import Context, ScalarContext
    from nagiosplugin.error import CheckError
    from nagiosplugin.metric import Metric
    from nagiosplugin.performance import Performance
    from nagiosplugin.range import Range
    from nagiosplugin.resource import Resource
    from nagiosplugin.result import Result, Results
    from nagiosplugin.state import Critical, Ok, ServiceState, Warn
    from nagiosplugin.summary import Summary
except ImportError:
    print("Failed to import the NagiosPlugin library.")

handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__version__: str = "4.1.0"

is_gi = True
"""true if the package PyGObject (gi) is available."""

    # Look for gi
    from gi.repository.Gio import BusType, DBusProxy, DBusProxyFlags
except ImportError:
    # Fallback to the command line interface source.
    is_gi = False

[docs] class OptionContainer: """This class has the same attributes as the ``Namespace`` instance returned by the ``argparse`` package.""" verbose: int debug: int # scope: units ignore_inactive_state: bool include: list[str] = [] include_unit: Optional[str] include_type: list[str] exclude: list[str] = [] exclude_unit: list[str] exclude_type: list[str] expected_state: str | None # scope: timers scope_timers: bool timers_warning: float timers_critical: float # scope: startup_time scope_startup_time: bool warning: float critical: float # backend data_source: Optional[Literal["dbus", "cli"]] with_user_units: bool # performance_data performance_data: bool def __init__(self) -> None: self.include = [] self.exclude = [] self.unit = None self.data_source = None
opts = OptionContainer() """ We make is variable global to be able to access the command line arguments everywhere in the plugin. In this variable the result of `parse_args() <>`_ is stored. It is an instance of the `argparse.Namespace <>`_ class. This variable is initialized in the main function. The variable is intentionally not named ``args`` to avoid confusion with ``*args`` (Non-Keyword Arguments). """ # Data source: D-Bus ##########################################################
[docs] class DbusManager: """ This class holds the main entry point object of the D-Bus systemd API. See the section `The Manager Object <>`_ in the systemd D-Bus API. """ __manager: DBusProxy def __init__(self) -> None: self.__manager = DbusManager.__proxy().new_for_bus_sync( DbusManager.__bus_type().SYSTEM, DbusManager.__flags().NONE, None, "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", None, ) @staticmethod def __proxy() -> type[DBusProxy]: """List all units.""" if DBusProxy: return DBusProxy raise Exception("The package PyGObject (gi) is not available.") @staticmethod def __bus_type() -> type[BusType]: if BusType: return BusType raise Exception("The package PyGObject (gi) is not available.") @staticmethod def __flags() -> type[DBusProxyFlags]: if DBusProxyFlags: return DBusProxyFlags raise Exception("The package PyGObject (gi) is not available.") @property def manager(self) -> DBusProxy: return self.__manager
dbus_manager = None """ The systemd D-Bus API main entry point object, the so called “manager”. """ if is_gi: dbus_manager = DbusManager() # Data source: CLI (command line interface) ###################################
[docs] def format_timespan_to_seconds(fmt_timespan: str) -> float: """Convert a timespan format string into secondes. Take a look at the systemd `time-util.c <>`_ source code. :param fmt_timespan: for example ``2.345s`` or ``3min 45.234s`` or ``34min left`` or ``2 months 8 days`` :return: The seconds """ for replacement in [ ["years", "y"], ["months", "month"], ["weeks", "w"], ["days", "d"], ]: fmt_timespan = fmt_timespan.replace(" " + replacement[0], replacement[1]) seconds = { "y": 31536000, # 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 "month": 2592000, # 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 "w": 604800, # 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 "d": 86400, # 24 * 60 * 60 "h": 3600, # 60 * 60 "min": 60, "s": 1, "ms": 0.001, } result = 0 for span in fmt_timespan.split(): match ="([\d\.]+)([a-z]+)", span) if match: value = unit = result += float(value) * seconds[unit] return round(float(result), 3)
[docs] def execute_cli(args: str | Sequence[str]) -> str | None: """Execute a command on the command line (cli = command line interface)) and capture the stdout. This is a wrapper around ``subprocess.Popen``. :param args: A list of programm arguments. :raises nagiosplugin.CheckError: If the command produces some stderr output or if an OSError exception occurs. :return: The stdout of the command. """ try: p = subprocess.Popen( args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() logger.debug("Execute command on the command line: %s", " ".join(args)) except OSError as e: raise CheckError(e) if p.returncode != 0: raise CheckError( "The command exits with a none-zero return code ({})".format(p.returncode) ) if stderr: raise CheckError(stderr) if stdout: stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") return stdout return None
[docs] class TableParser: """This class reads the text tables that some systemd commands like ``systemctl list-units`` or ``systemctl list-timers`` produce.""" header_row: str body_rows: list[str] column_lengths: list[int] columns: list[str] def __init__(self, stdout: str) -> None: """ :param stdout: The standard output of certain systemd command line utilities. :param expected_column_headers: The expected column headers (for example ``('UNIT', 'LOAD', 'ACTIVE')``) """ rows: list[str] = stdout.splitlines() self.header_row = TableParser.__normalize_header(rows[0]) self.column_lengths = TableParser.__detect_lengths(self.header_row) self.columns = TableParser.__split_row(self.header_row, self.column_lengths) counter = 0 for line in rows: # The table footer is separted by a blank line if line == "": break counter += 1 self.body_rows = rows[1:counter] @staticmethod def __normalize_header(header_row: str) -> str: """Normalize the header row :param header_row: The first line of a systemd table output. """ return header_row.lower() @staticmethod def __detect_lengths(header_row: str) -> list[int]: """ :param header_row: The first line of a systemd table output. :return: A list of column lengths in number of characters. """ column_lengths: list[int] = [] match ="^ +", header_row) if match: whitespace_prefix_length = match.end() column_lengths.append(whitespace_prefix_length) header_row = header_row[whitespace_prefix_length:] word = 0 space = 0 for char in header_row: if word and space >= 1 and char != " ": column_lengths.append(word + space) word = 0 space = 0 if char == " ": space += 1 else: word += 1 return column_lengths @staticmethod def __split_row(line: str, column_lengths: list[int]) -> list[str]: columns: list[str] = [] right = 0 for length in column_lengths: left = right right = right + length columns.append(line[left:right].strip()) columns.append(line[right:].strip()) return columns @property def row_count(self): """The number of rows. Only the body rows are counted. The header row is not taken into account.""" return len(self.body_rows)
[docs] def check_header(self, column_header: Sequence[str]) -> None: """Check if the specified column names are present in the header row of the text table. Raise an exception if not. :param column_headers: The expected column headers (for example ``('UNIT', 'LOAD', 'ACTIVE')``) """ for column_name in column_header: if self.header_row.find(column_name.lower()) == -1: msg = ( "The column heading '{}' couldn’t found in the " "table header. Possibly the table layout of systemctl " "has changed." ) raise ValueError(msg.format(column_name))
[docs] def get_row(self, row_number: int) -> dict[str, str]: """Retrieve a table row as a dictionary. The keys are taken from the header row. The first row number is 0. :param row_number: The index number of the table row starting at 0. """ body_columns = TableParser.__split_row( self.body_rows[row_number], self.column_lengths ) result: dict[str, str] = {} index = 0 for column in self.columns: if column == "": key = "column_{}".format(index) else: key = column result[key] = body_columns[index] index += 1 return result
[docs] def list_rows(self) -> Generator[dict[str, str], None, None]: """List all rows.""" for i in range(0, self.row_count): yield self.get_row(i)
# Unit abstraction ############################################################
[docs] class CheckSystemdError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module. All exceptions are caught by the decorator ``@nagiosplugin.guarded()`` on the main function and printed out nicely.""" pass
[docs] class CheckSystemdRegexpError(CheckSystemdError): """Raised when an invalid regular expression is specified.""" pass
[docs] def match_multiple(unit_name: str, regexes: str | Sequence[str]) -> bool: """ Match multiple regular expressions against a unit name. :param unit_name: The unit name to be matched. :param regexes: A single regular expression (``include='.*service'``) or a list of regular expressions (``include=('.*service', '.*mount')``). :return: True if one regular expression matches""" if isinstance(regexes, str): regexes = [regexes] for regex in regexes: try: if re.match(regex, unit_name): return True except Exception: raise CheckSystemdRegexpError( "Invalid regular expression: '{}'".format(regex) ) return False
ActiveState = Literal[ "active", "reloading", "inactive", "failed", "activating", "deactivating" ] """From the `D-Bus interface of systemd documentation <>`_: ``ActiveState`` contains a state value that reflects whether the unit is currently active or not. The following states are currently defined: * ``active``, * ``reloading``, * ``inactive``, * ``failed``, * ``activating``, and * ``deactivating``. ``active`` indicates that unit is active (obviously...). ``reloading`` indicates that the unit is active and currently reloading its configuration. ``inactive`` indicates that it is inactive and the previous run was successful or no previous run has taken place yet. ``failed`` indicates that it is inactive and the previous run was not successful (more information about the reason for this is available on the unit type specific interfaces, for example for services in the Result property, see below). ``activating`` indicates that the unit has previously been inactive but is currently in the process of entering an active state. Conversely ``deactivating`` indicates that the unit is currently in the process of deactivation. """ def _check_active_state(state: object) -> ActiveState | None: states: tuple[ActiveState] = get_args(ActiveState) if state in states: return state SubState = Literal[ "abandoned", "activating-done", "activating", "active", "auto-restart", "cleaning", "condition", "deactivating-sigkill", "deactivating-sigterm", "deactivating", "dead", "elapsed", "exited", "failed", "final-sigkill", "final-sigterm", "final-watchdog", "listening", "mounted", "mounting-done", "mounting", "plugged", "reload", "remounting-sigkill", "remounting-sigterm", "remounting", "running", "start-chown", "start-post", "start-pre", "start", "stop-post", "stop-pre-sigkill", "stop-pre-sigterm", "stop-pre", "stop-sigkill", "stop-sigterm", "stop-watchdog", "stop", "tentative", "unmounting-sigkill", "unmounting-sigterm", "unmounting", "waiting", ] """From the `D-Bus interface of systemd documentation <>`_: ``SubState`` encodes states of the same state machine that ``ActiveState`` covers, but knows more fine-grained states that are unit-type-specific. Where ``ActiveState`` only covers six high-level states, ``SubState`` covers possibly many more low-level unit-type-specific states that are mapped to the six high-level states. Note that multiple low-level states might map to the same high-level state, but not vice versa. Not all high-level states have low-level counterparts on all unit types. All sub states are listed in the file `basic/unit-def.c <>`_ of the systemd source code: * automount: ``dead``, ``waiting``, ``running``, ``failed`` * device: ``dead``, ``tentative``, ``plugged`` * mount: ``dead``, ``mounting``, ``mounting-done``, ``mounted``, ``remounting``, ``unmounting``, ``remounting-sigterm``, ``remounting-sigkill``, ``unmounting-sigterm``, ``unmounting-sigkill``, ``failed``, ``cleaning`` * path: ``dead``, ``waiting``, ``running``, ``failed`` * scope: ``dead``, ``running``, ``abandoned``, ``stop-sigterm``, ``stop-sigkill``, ``failed`` * service: ``dead``, ``condition``, ``start-pre``, ``start``, ``start-post``, ``running``, ``exited``, ``reload``, ``stop``, ``stop-watchdog``, ``stop-sigterm``, ``stop-sigkill``, ``stop-post``, ``final-watchdog``, ``final-sigterm``, ``final-sigkill``, ``failed``, ``auto-restart``, ``cleaning`` * slice: ``dead``, ``active`` * socket: ``dead``, ``start-pre``, ``start-chown``, ``start-post``, ``listening``, ``running``, ``stop-pre``, ``stop-pre-sigterm``, ``stop-pre-sigkill``, ``stop-post``, ``final-sigterm``, ``final-sigkill``, ``failed``, ``cleaning`` * swap: ``dead``, ``activating``, ``activating-done``, ``active``, ``deactivating``, ``deactivating-sigterm``, ``deactivating-sigkill``, ``failed``, ``cleaning`` * target:``dead``, ``active`` * timer: ``dead``, ``waiting``, ``running``, ``elapsed``, ``failed`` """ def _check_sub_state(state: object) -> SubState | None: states: tuple[SubState] = get_args(SubState) if state in states: return state LoadState = Literal["loaded", "error", "masked"] """From the `D-Bus interface of systemd documentation <>`_: ``LoadState`` contains a state value that reflects whether the configuration file of this unit has been loaded. The following states are currently defined: * ``loaded``, * ``error`` and * ``masked``. ``loaded`` indicates that the configuration was successfully loaded. ``error`` indicates that the configuration failed to load, the ``LoadError`` field contains information about the cause of this failure. ``masked`` indicates that the unit is currently masked out (i.e. symlinked to /dev/null or suchlike). Note that the ``LoadState`` is fully orthogonal to the ``ActiveState`` (see below) as units without valid loaded configuration might be active (because configuration might have been reloaded at a time where a unit was already active). """ def _check_load_state(state: object) -> LoadState | None: states: tuple[LoadState] = get_args(LoadState) if state in states: return state
[docs] class Unit: """This class bundles all state related informations of a systemd unit in a object. This class is inherited by the class ``DbusUnit`` and the attributes are overwritten by properties. """ name: str """The name of the system unit, for example ``nginx.service``. In the command line table of the command ``systemctl list-units`` is the column containing unit names titled with “UNIT”. """ active_state: ActiveState sub_state: SubState load_state: LoadState def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: = kwargs.get("name") self.active_state = kwargs.get("active_state") self.sub_state = kwargs.get("sub_state") self.load_state = kwargs.get("load_state")
[docs] def convert_to_exitcode(self) -> ServiceState: """Convert the different systemd states into a Nagios compatible exit code. :return: A Nagios compatible exit code: 0, 1, 2, 3 """ if opts.expected_state and opts.expected_state.lower() != self.active_state: return Critical if self.load_state == "error" or self.active_state == "failed": return Critical return Ok
[docs] class SystemdUnitTypesList( def __init__(self, *args): self.unit_types = list() self.__all_types = ( "service", "socket", "target", "device", "mount", "automount", "timer", "swap", "path", "slice", "scope", ) self.extend(list(args)) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.unit_types) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.unit_types[index] def __delitem__(self, index) -> None: del self.unit_types[index] def __setitem__(self, index, unit_type) -> None: self.__check_type(unit_type) self.unit_types[index] = unit_type def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.unit_types)
[docs] def insert(self, index, unit_type) -> None: self.__check_type(unit_type) self.unit_types.insert(index, unit_type)
def __check_type(self, type) -> None: if type not in self.__all_types: raise ValueError( "The given type '{}' is not a valid systemd " "unit type.".format(type) )
[docs] def convert_to_regexp(self): return r".*\.({})$".format("|".join(self.unit_types))
[docs] class UnitNameFilter: """This class stores all system unit names (e. g. ``nginx.service`` or ``fstrim.timer``) and provides a interface to filter the names by regular expressions.""" __unit_names: set[str] def __init__(self, unit_names: Sequence[str] = ()) -> None: self.__unit_names = set(unit_names)
[docs] def add(self, unit_name: str) -> None: """Add one unit name. :param unit_name: The name of the unit, for example ``apt.timer``. """ self.__unit_names.add(unit_name)
[docs] def get(self) -> set[str]: """Get all stored unit names.""" return self.__unit_names
[docs] def list( self, include: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, exclude: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ List all unit names or apply filters (``include`` or ``exclude``) to the list of unit names. :param include: If the unit name matches the provided regular expression, it is included in the list of unit names. A single regular expression (``include='.*service'``) or a list of regular expressions (``include=('.*service', '.*mount')``). :param exclude: If the unit name matches the provided regular expression, it is excluded from the list of unit names. A single regular expression (``exclude='.*service'``) or a list of regular expressions (``exclude=('.*service', '.*mount')``). """ for name in self.__unit_names: output: Optional[str] = name if include and not match_multiple(name, include): output = None if output and exclude and match_multiple(name, exclude): output = None if output: yield output
[docs] class UnitCache: """This class is a container class for systemd units.""" __units: dict[str, Unit] __name_filter: UnitNameFilter def __init__(self) -> None: self.__units = {} self.__name_filter = UnitNameFilter() def __add_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> None: self.__units[] = unit self.__name_filter.add(
[docs] def add_unit( self, unit: Optional[Unit] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, active_state: Optional[ActiveState] = None, sub_state: Optional[SubState] = None, load_state: Optional[LoadState] = None, ) -> Unit: if not unit: unit = Unit() if name: = name if active_state: unit.active_state = active_state if sub_state: unit.sub_state = sub_state if load_state: unit.load_state = load_state self.__add_unit(unit) return unit
[docs] def get(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Unit | None: if name: return self.__units[name] return None
[docs] def list( self, include: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, exclude: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> Generator[Unit, None, None]: """ List all units or apply filters (``include`` or ``exclude``) to the list of unit. :param include: If the unit name matches the provided regular expression, it is included in the list of unit names. A single regular expression (``include='.*service'``) or a list of regular expressions (``include=('.*service', '.*mount')``). :param exclude: If the unit name matches the provided regular expression, it is excluded from the list of unit names. A single regular expression (``exclude='.*service'``) or a list of regular expressions (``exclude=('.*service', '.*mount')``). """ for name in self.__name_filter.list(include=include, exclude=exclude): yield self.__units[name]
@property def count(self) -> int: return len(self.__units)
[docs] def count_by_states( self, states: Sequence[str], include: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, exclude: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> dict: states_normalized = [] counter = {} for state_spec in states: # state_proerty:state_value # for example: active_state:failed state_property = state_spec.split(":")[0] state_value = state_spec.split(":")[1] state = { "property": state_property, "value": state_value, "spec": state_spec, } states_normalized.append(state) counter[state_spec] = 0 for unit in self.list(include=include, exclude=exclude): for state in states_normalized: if getattr(unit, state["property"]) == state["value"]: counter[state["spec"]] += 1 return counter
def _collect_properties(unit_name: str) -> dict[str, str]: stdout = execute_cli( [ "systemctl", "show", "--property", "Id", "--property", "ActiveState", "--property", "SubState", "--property", "LoadState", unit_name, ] ) if stdout is None: raise CheckSystemdError(f"The unit '{unit_name}' couldn't be found.") rows = stdout.splitlines() properties: dict[str, str] = {} for row in rows: index_equal_sign = row.index("=") properties[row[:index_equal_sign]] = row[index_equal_sign + 1 :] logger.debug("Properties of unit '%s': %s", unit_name, properties) return properties
[docs] class CliUnitCache(UnitCache): def __init__(self, with_user_units: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__() command = ["systemctl", "list-units", "--all"] if with_user_units: command += ["--user"] stdout = execute_cli(command) if stdout: table_parser = TableParser(stdout) table_parser.check_header(("unit", "active", "sub", "load")) for row in table_parser.list_rows(): self.add_unit( name=row["unit"], active_state=_check_active_state(row["active"]), sub_state=_check_sub_state(row["sub"]), load_state=_check_load_state(row["load"]), ) if opts.include_unit is not None: properties = _collect_properties(opts.include_unit) self.add_unit( name=properties["Id"], active_state=_check_active_state(properties["ActiveState"]), sub_state=_check_sub_state(properties["SubState"]), load_state=_check_load_state(properties["LoadState"]), )
[docs] class DbusUnitCache(UnitCache): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() if dbus_manager is None: raise CheckSystemdError( "The package PyGObject (gi) is not available. " "The D-Bus backend can't be used." ) all_units = dbus_manager.manager.ListUnits() for name, _, load_state, active_state, sub_state, _, _, _, _, _ in all_units: logger.debug( "Dbus ListUnits(): name: %s load_state: %s active_state: %s sub_state: %s", name, load_state, active_state, sub_state, ) self.add_unit( name=name, active_state=active_state, sub_state=sub_state, load_state=load_state, )
unit_cache: UnitCache = None """An instance of :class:`DbusUnitCache` or :class:`CliUnitCache`""" # scope: units ################################################################
[docs] class UnitsResource(Resource):
[docs] def probe(self) -> Generator[Metric, None, None]: counter = 0 for unit in unit_cache.list(include=opts.include, exclude=opts.exclude): yield Metric(, value=unit, context="units") counter += 1 if counter == 0: raise ValueError( "Please verify your --include-* and --exclude-* " "options. No units have been added for " "testing." )
[docs] class UnitsContext(Context): def __init__(self): super(UnitsContext, self).__init__("units")
[docs] def evaluate(self, metric: Metric, resource: Resource) -> Result: """Determines state of a given metric. :param metric: associated metric that is to be evaluated :param resource: resource that produced the associated metric (may optionally be consulted) :returns: :class:`~.result.Result` """ if isinstance(metric.value, Unit): unit = metric.value exitcode = unit.convert_to_exitcode() if exitcode != 0: hint = "{}: {}".format(, unit.active_state) return self.result_cls(exitcode, metric=metric, hint=hint) if metric.value: hint = "{}: {}".format(, metric.value) else: hint = # The option -u is not specifed if not metric.value: return self.result_cls(Ok, metric=metric, hint=hint) if opts.ignore_inactive_state and metric.value == "failed": return self.result_cls(Critical, metric=metric, hint=hint) elif not opts.ignore_inactive_state and metric.value != "active": return self.result_cls(Critical, metric=metric, hint=hint) else: return self.result_cls(Ok, metric=metric, hint=hint)
# scope: timers ###############################################################
[docs] class TimersResource(Resource): """ Resource that calls ``systemctl list-timers --all`` on the command line to get informations about dead / inactive timers. There is one type of systemd “degradation” which is normally not detected: dead / inactive timers. :param list excludes: A list of systemd unit names to exclude from the checks. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() name = "SYSTEMD"
[docs] def probe(self) -> Generator[Metric, None, None]: """ :return: generator that emits :class:`~nagiosplugin.metric.Metric` objects """ stdout = execute_cli(["systemctl", "list-timers", "--all"]) # NEXT LEFT # Sat 2020-05-16 15:11:15 CEST 34min left # LAST PASSED # Sat 2020-05-16 14:31:56 CEST 4min 20s ago # UNIT ACTIVATES # apt-daily.timer apt-daily.service if stdout: table_parser = TableParser(stdout) table_parser.check_header(("unit", "next", "passed")) state = Ok for row in table_parser.list_rows(): unit = row["unit"] if match_multiple(unit, opts.exclude): continue if row["next"] == "n/a": if row["passed"] == "n/a": state = Critical else: passed = format_timespan_to_seconds(row["passed"]) if row["passed"] == "n/a" or passed >= opts.timers_critical: state = Critical elif passed >= opts.timers_warning: state = Warn yield Metric(name=unit, value=state, context="timers")
[docs] class TimersContext(Context): def __init__(self) -> None: super(TimersContext, self).__init__("timers")
[docs] def evaluate(self, metric: Metric, resource: Resource): """Determines state of a given metric. :param metric: associated metric that is to be evaluated :param resource: resource that produced the associated metric (may optionally be consulted) :returns: :class:`~.result.Result` """ return self.result_cls(metric.value, metric=metric,
# scope: startup_time #########################################################
[docs] class StartupTimeResource(Resource): """Resource that calls ``systemd-analyze`` on the command line to get informations about the startup time."""
[docs] def probe(self) -> Generator[Metric, None, None]: """Query system state and return metrics. :return: generator that emits :class:`~nagiosplugin.metric.Metric` objects """ stdout = None try: stdout = execute_cli(["systemd-analyze"]) except CheckError: pass if stdout: # First line: # Startup finished in 1.672s (kernel) + 21.378s (userspace) = # 23.050s # On raspian no second line # Second line: # reached after 1min 2.154s in userspace match ="reached after (.+) in userspace", stdout) if not match: match =" = (.+)\n", stdout) # Output when boot process is not finished: # Bootup is not yet finished. Please try again later. if match: yield Metric( name="startup_time", value=format_timespan_to_seconds(, context="startup_time", )
[docs] class StartupTimeContext(ScalarContext): def __init__(self) -> None: super(StartupTimeContext, self).__init__("startup_time") if opts.scope_startup_time: self.warning = Range(opts.warning) self.critical = Range(opts.critical)
[docs] def performance(self, metric: Metric, resource: Resource): if not opts.performance_data: return None return Performance(, metric.value, metric.uom, self.warning, self.critical, metric.min, metric.max, )
# scope: performance_data #####################################################
[docs] class PerformanceDataResource(Resource):
[docs] def probe(self) -> Generator[Metric, None, None]: for state_spec, count in unit_cache.count_by_states( ( "active_state:failed", "active_state:active", "active_state:activating", "active_state:inactive", ), exclude=opts.exclude, ).items(): yield Metric( name="units_{}".format(state_spec.split(":")[1]), value=count, context="performance_data", ) yield Metric( name="count_units", value=unit_cache.count, context="performance_data" )
[docs] class PerformanceDataContext(Context): def __init__(self) -> None: super(PerformanceDataContext, self).__init__("performance_data")
[docs] def performance(self, metric: Metric, resource: Resource): """Derives performance data from a given metric. :param metric: associated metric from which performance data are derived :param resource: resource that produced the associated metric (may optionally be consulted) :returns: :class:`Perfdata` object """ return Performance(, value=metric.value)
# Presentation: *Summary ######################################################
[docs] class SystemdSummary(Summary): """Format the different status lines. A subclass of `nagiosplugin.Summary <>`_. """
[docs] def ok(self, results: Results) -> str: """Formats status line when overall state is ok. :param results: :class:`~nagiosplugin.result.Results` container :returns: status line """ if opts.include_unit: for result in results.most_significant: if isinstance(result.context, UnitsContext): return "{0}".format(result) return "all"
[docs] def problem(self, results: Results) -> str: """Formats status line when overall state is not ok. :param results: :class:`~.result.Results` container :returns: status line """ summary: list[Result] = [] for result in results.most_significant: if result.context and in [ "startup_time", "units", "timers", ]: summary.append(result) return ", ".join(["{0}".format(result) for result in summary])
[docs] def verbose(self, results: Results) -> list[str]: """Provides extra lines if verbose plugin execution is requested. :param results: :class:`~.result.Results` container :returns: list of strings """ summary: list[str] = [] for result in results.most_significant: if result.context and in [ "startup_time", "units", "timers", ]: summary.append("{0}: {1}".format(result.state, result)) return summary
# Command line interface (argparse) ###########################################
[docs] def convert_to_regexp_list( regexp: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, unit_names: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, unit_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> set[str]: result: set[str] = set() if regexp: for regexp in regexp: result.add(regexp) if unit_names: if isinstance(unit_names, str): unit_names = [unit_names] for unit_name in unit_names: result.add(unit_name.replace(".", "\\.")) if unit_types: types = SystemdUnitTypesList(*unit_types) result.add(types.convert_to_regexp()) return result
[docs] def get_argparser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="check_systemd", # To get the right command name in the README. formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter( prog, width=80 ), # noqa: E501 description="Copyright (c) 2014-18 Andrea Briganti " "<>\n" # noqa: E251 "Copyright (c) 2019-24 Josef Friedrich <>\n" "\n" "Nagios / Icinga monitoring plugin to check systemd.\n", # noqa: E501 epilog="Performance data:\n" # noqa: E251 " - count_units\n" " - startup_time\n" " - units_activating\n" " - units_active\n" " - units_failed\n" " - units_inactive\n", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="Increase output verbosity (use up to 3 times).", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", action="count", default=0, help="Increase debug verbosity (use up to 2 times): -d: info -dd: debug.", ) parser.add_argument( "-V", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {}".format(__version__), ) # Scope: units ############################################################ units = parser.add_argument_group( "Options related to unit selection", "By default all systemd units are checked. " "Use the option '-e' to exclude units\nby a regular expression. " "Use the option '-u' to check only one unit.", ) units.add_argument( "-i", "--ignore-inactive-state", action="store_true", help="Ignore an inactive state on a specific unit. Oneshot services " "for example are only active while running and not enabled. " "The rest of the time they are inactive. This option has only " "an affect if it is used with the option -u.", ) units.add_argument( "-I", "--include", metavar="REGEXP", action="append", default=[], help="Include systemd units to the checks. This option can be " "applied multiple times, for example: -I mnt-data.mount -I " "task.service. Regular expressions can be used to include " "multiple units at once, for example: " "-i 'user@\\d+\\.service'. " "For more informations see the Python documentation about " "regular expressions " "(", ) units.add_argument( "-u", "--unit", "--include-unit", type=str, metavar="UNIT_NAME", dest="include_unit", help="Name of the systemd unit that is being tested.", ) units.add_argument( "--include-type", metavar="UNIT_TYPE", nargs="+", help="One or more unit types (for example: 'service', 'timer')", ) units.add_argument( "-e", "--exclude", metavar="REGEXP", action="append", default=[], help="Exclude a systemd unit from the checks. This option can be " "applied multiple times, for example: -e mnt-data.mount -e " "task.service. Regular expressions can be used to exclude " "multiple units at once, for example: " "-e 'user@\\d+\\.service'. " "For more informations see the Python documentation about " "regular expressions " "(", ) units.add_argument( "--exclude-unit", metavar="UNIT_NAME", nargs="+", help="Name of the systemd unit that is being tested.", ) units.add_argument( "--exclude-type", metavar="UNIT_TYPE", action="append", help="One or more unit types (for example: 'service', 'timer')", ) units.add_argument( "--state", "--required", "--expected-state", choices=get_args(ActiveState), dest="expected_state", help="Specify the active state that the systemd unit must have " "(for example: active, inactive)", ) # Scope: timers ########################################################### timers = parser.add_argument_group("Timers related options") timers.add_argument( "-t", "--timers", "--dead-timers", dest="scope_timers", action="store_true", help="Detect dead / inactive timers. See the corresponding options " "'-W, --dead-timer-warning' and " "'-C, --dead-timers-critical'. " "Dead timers are detected by parsing the output of " "'systemctl list-timers'. " "Dead timer rows displaying 'n/a' in the NEXT and LEFT " "columns and the time span in the column PASSED exceeds the " "values specified with the options '-W, --dead-timer-warning' " "and '-C, --dead-timers-critical'.", ) timers.add_argument( "-W", "--timers-warning", "--dead-timers-warning", dest="timers_warning", metavar="SECONDS", type=float, default=60 * 60 * 24 * 6, help="Time ago in seconds for dead / inactive timers to trigger a " "warning state (by default 6 days).", ) timers.add_argument( "-C", "--timers-critical", "--dead-timers-critical", dest="timers_critical", metavar="SECONDS", type=float, default=60 * 60 * 24 * 7, help="Time ago in seconds for dead / inactive timers to trigger a " "critical state (by default 7 days).", ) # Scope: startup_time ##################################################### startup_time = parser.add_argument_group("Startup time related options") startup_time.add_argument( "-n", "--no-startup-time", dest="scope_startup_time", action="store_false", default=True, help="Don’t check the startup time. Using this option the options " "'-w, --warning' and '-c, --critical' have no effect. " "Performance data about the startup time is collected, but " "no critical, warning etc. states are triggered.", ) startup_time.add_argument( "-w", "--warning", default=60, metavar="SECONDS", help="Startup time in seconds to result in a warning status. The" " default is 60 seconds.", ) startup_time.add_argument( "-c", "--critical", metavar="SECONDS", default=120, help="Startup time in seconds to result in a critical status. The" " default is 120 seconds.", ) # Backend ################################################################# acquisition = parser.add_argument_group("Monitoring data acquisition") acquisition_exclusive_group = acquisition.add_mutually_exclusive_group() acquisition_exclusive_group.add_argument( "--dbus", dest="data_source", action="store_const", const="dbus", default="cli", help="Use the systemd’s D-Bus API instead of parsing the text output " "of various systemd related command line interfaces to monitor " "systemd. At the moment the D-Bus backend of this plugin is " "only partially implemented.", ) acquisition_exclusive_group.add_argument( "--cli", dest="data_source", action="store_const", const="cli", help="Use the text output of serveral systemd command line interface " "(cli) binaries to gather the required data for the monitoring " "process.", ) acquisition.add_argument( "--user", dest="with_user_units", action="store_true", default=False, help="Also show user (systemctl --user) units.", ) # Performance data ######################################################## perf_data = parser.add_argument_group("Performance data") perf_data_exclusive_group = perf_data.add_mutually_exclusive_group() perf_data_exclusive_group.add_argument( "-P", "--performance-data", dest="performance_data", action="store_true", default=True, help="Attach no performance data to the plugin output.", ) perf_data_exclusive_group.add_argument( "-p", "--no-performance-data", dest="performance_data", action="store_false", help="Attach performance data to the plugin output.", ) return parser
[docs] def normalize_argparser(opts: argparse.Namespace) -> OptionContainer: if opts.data_source == "dbus" and not is_gi: opts.data_source = "cli" opts.include = convert_to_regexp_list( regexp=opts.include, unit_names=opts.include_unit, unit_types=opts.include_type ) opts.exclude = convert_to_regexp_list( regexp=opts.exclude, unit_names=opts.exclude_unit, unit_types=opts.exclude_type ) o = cast(OptionContainer, opts) # del opts.include_unit del o.include_type del o.exclude_type del o.exclude_unit return o
[docs] @nagiosplugin.guarded(verbose=0) def main() -> None: """The main entry point of the monitoring plugin. First the command line arguments are read into the variable ``opts``. The configuration of this ``opts`` object decides which instances of the `Resource <>`_, `Context <>`_ and `Summary <>`_ subclasses are assembled in a list called ``tasks``. This list is passed the main class of the ``nagiosplugin`` library: the `Check <>`_ class. """ global opts opts = normalize_argparser(get_argparser().parse_args()) if opts.debug: # NOTSET=0 # DEBUG=10 # INFO=20 # WARN=30 # ERROR=40 # CRITICAL=50 if opts.debug == 1: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif opts.debug > 1: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) global unit_cache if opts.data_source == "dbus": unit_cache = DbusUnitCache() else: unit_cache = CliUnitCache(with_user_units=opts.with_user_units) tasks: list[Union[Resource, Context, Summary]] = [ UnitsResource(), UnitsContext(), SystemdSummary(), StartupTimeResource(), StartupTimeContext(), ] if opts.scope_timers: tasks += [ TimersResource(), TimersContext(), ] if opts.performance_data: tasks += [ PerformanceDataResource(), PerformanceDataContext(), ] check = Check(*tasks) = "systemd" check.main(opts.verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()